Free taster session for the Meditation and Breath Workshop

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Leading the way in evidence-based meditation

Since 2010 the Peace to Humankind is helping people to relieve stress and anxiety through meditation, yoga and more. The organization was established by individuals who prioritize humanitarianism and spirituality, and their fundamental principle is to help individuals discover inner peace and promote social unity among people of diverse cultures, religions, and nationalities. Their aim is to inspire everyone to work together to enhance the quality of human life across the globe.


years of mission


countries where we make a difference


centres worldwide with weekly follow up sessions


lives touched

Peace to Humankind Community

A global movement promoting humanitarianism and spiritual growth was founded 21 years ago to achieve a stress-free and violence-free society. This community is uniting people from many countries through service projects and courses, inspiring a wave of transformation.

Through this community, individuals have found inner peace and resilience, empowering them to become agents of social change. Their message of “Love and wisdom can prevail over hatred and violence” resonates with people worldwide, and through their efforts, they have been able to turn this message into action and results.

Together, we can work towards creating a world where inner peace translates into global peace.

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The Peace Community provides a wide range of educational and self-development programs and tools that are highly effective in eliminating stress, promoting inner peace, happiness, and well-being for all individuals. These programs incorporate breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and practical wisdom for daily living, which have enabled millions worldwide to transform their lives completely.

The mission of the Peace Community is to live life with wisdom and a broad vision, and to create a society free from violence, a body free from disease, a mind free from confusion, an intellect free from inhibition, a memory free from trauma, and a soul free from sorrow.

Service Initiatives

The Peace Community, has successfully implemented a wide range of humanitarian projects and service initiatives worldwide. These include conflict resolution programs, disaster relief, sustainable rural development, women’s empowerment, prisoner rehabilitation, education for all, and environmental sustainability.

Peace to Humankind Programmes

Discover the path to health and happiness through our flagship programs.