Free taster session for the Meditation and Breath Workshop

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Meditation and
Breath Workshop

Powerful breathing techniques and wisdom that can change your life


"Breathing is the new yoga"
"Life Changing is posssible"
"May be the fastest growing spiritual practice on the planet"
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Shanti Kriya

Powerful Rhythmic Breathing Technique!

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Other Entry-Level Programmes

Programs & Sessions

Join a free introductory session and learn powerful breathwork techniques to instantly quieten the mind and make meditation easy.

Sarala Shanti Meditation

An effortless meditation technique that infuses the mind with peace, clarity and creativity.

Sarala Yog

A holistic yoga workshop including asanas, pranayamas, meditation and yogic wisdom.

Simple Meditation Programme in the UK

Have you completed the Meditation and Breath Workshop or Yes!+? Continue your journey here.

The Silence Programme is the vacation you always wanted but never knew existed.

This actually is a vacation in the truest sense where you can take a real break from all your activities and responsibilities for a deep rest and recharge. It’s a total immersion weekend of meditation, silence and celebration.

Programmes For All Ages

Shanti Path

A fun programme for pre-teens that teaches life skills and stress reduction techniques.

Surya Kala (creative transformation)

A programme aimed at helping teens develop problem-solving strategies, and overcome stress.

Matha Khela (Intellect, Intuition and Realising)

A unique programme for children and teens that enhances intuition, improves confidence, boosts creativity and intelligence.

Adamya Shanti

Becoming an indomitable force with Adamya Shanti which makes you a powerful force in bringing peace and allows you to achieve a state of inner-peace and calmness.

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Surya Shanti, Sarala Kula and Shanti Kriya Programmes

Find health and happiness with our flagship programmes